Full-Text Guidelines

For The International Conference on Innovative Interdisciplinary Science for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future, we invite full-text submissions that reflect the highest standards of scholarly work. Please follow the guidelines below, which are following the Taylor and Francis Publishing Guidelines:

General Requirements:

  1. The number of pages is 4-6 pages.
  2. Manuscripts should be written in clear and concise English.
  3. The full title should be specific, descriptive, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field.
  4. Include all authors' full names, affiliations, country, and ORCID.
  5. The abstract should summarize the study's main objectives, results, and conclusions.
  6. The introduction should provide sufficient background to contextualize the manuscript for readers outside the field.

Formatting Instructions:

1. General Instructions

1.1 Type Area

  1. Ensure the text fits within the type area of 150 × 240 mm.
  2. For A4 paper, use the following margin settings:
    1. Top: 2.5 cm (0.98 inches)
    2. Bottom: 3.0 cm (1.18 inches)
    3. Left: 3.0 cm (1.18 inches)
    4. Right: 3.0 cm (1.18 inches)

1.2 Typefont, Typesize, and Spacing

  1. Use Times New Roman, 11-point size, with 12-point line spacing.
  2. Use roman type except for headings (use Heading tags), mathematical parameters, Latin names of species and genera, and titles of journals and books (in italics).
  3. Use bold only for vectors in mathematics; do not underline text.
  4. Use small font (10 points on 11 points) for tables, figure captions, and references.
  5. Avoid letter spacing and multiple spaces.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Title, Author, and Affiliation Frame

  1. Type the title (not more than 75 characters) in lower case (no caps except for proper names).
  2. Type the author's name (initials first, then last name). Add co-author names after an '&' if they share the same affiliation.
  3. Type the affiliation: Name of the institute, City, State/Province, Country. Avoid street names, P.O. Box numbers, or zip codes.
  4. Ensure all text fits within the frame (Width: Exactly 15.0 cm or 5.91 inches; Height: Exactly 7.2 cm or 2.79 inches).

2.2 Abstract Frame

  1. Written in the third person e.g. ‘this article discusses’, rather than ‘I discuss’
  2. Self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or incomplete references
  3. Type the abstract (not more than 150 words). Ensure the abstract fits within the frame (Width: Exactly 15.0 cm or 5.91 inches; Height: Automatic).

2.3 First Line of Text or Heading

  1. If starting with a heading, type the heading text, delete the placeholder word, and ensure the text follows the appropriate tag (First paragraph).
  2. If starting without a heading, type the text, delete the placeholder word, and use the First paragraph tag.

3. Layout of Text

3.1 Text and Indenting

  1. Ensure all text, figures, and tables fit within the type area of 15 × 24 cm (5.91 × 9.52 inches).
  2. Use Times New Roman, 11-point size with 12-point line spacing for main text.
  3. Indent the first lines of paragraphs by 4 mm (0.16 inches), except after a heading or blank line (First paragraph tag).
  4. Equations should be indented 12 mm (0.47 inches).

3.2 Headings

  1. Primary headings: All caps, roman (Heading 1 tag).
  2. Secondary and tertiary headings: Lowercase italics (Heading 2 and 3 tags).
  3. Headings should be flush against the left margin with appropriate blank lines above and below as specified.

3.3 Listing and Numbering

  1. Use style tags List summary signs or List number signs for lists.

3.4 Equations

  1. Use the equation editor; indent equations 12 mm (0.47 inches) from the left margin.
  2. Number equations consecutively and place numbers at the end of the line between parentheses.

3.5 Tables

  1. Place tables close to their first reference in the text.
  2. Number tables consecutively; avoid abbreviations in column headings.
  3. Use only horizontal rules: one above and one below the column headings, and one at the foot of the table.

3.6 Figure Captions

  1. Use the Figure caption style tag (10 points on 11 points line spacing).
  2. Place captions underneath figures.

3.7 References

  1. Follow APA 7th Edition guidelines for references.
  2. In-text citations: (Smith, 2020), (Smith & Jones, 2020), (Smith et al., 2020).
  3. Reference list: Alphabetical order by author's last name. Use small text (10 pt on 11 pt) with a 4 mm indent for second and further lines.

3.8 Notes

  1. Avoid using notes; incorporate information directly into the text.

3.9 Conclusions

  1. Summarize the most important propositions and practical implications concisely.

4. Photographs and Figures

  1. Number figures consecutively.
  2. Ensure figures fit within the column width of 90 mm (3.54 inches) or the type area width of 187 mm (7.36 inches).
  3. Place figures against the left margin, leaving space between the figure caption and the text.

5. Preferences, Symbols, and Units

  1. Follow consistent style guidelines for references, units, and notations as specified.

6. Submission of Material to the Editor

  1. Create a camera-ready copy PDF file and send it along with the MS Word file to the editor.
  2. Ensure all figures are included as high-resolution images in the PDF.

Follow these guidelines closely to ensure your paper meets the required formatting standards for submission.

Peer Review and Acceptance:

  1. The summit follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
  2. Manuscripts are evaluated by the proceedings editor for relevance to the summit’s focus.
  3. Independent international experts review accepted papers to assess their suitability for presentation.
  4. The selective acceptance rate is 70%.

Ethical Considerations:

  1. Authors should refer to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for all aspects of publication ethics.
  2. Obtain permission to reproduce figures or tables from other publications.

Submission Process:

  1. The conference editors entirely handle the submission process.
  2. Before publication, papers may be reviewed using the text comparison tool “Turnitin” to prevent plagiarism.


  1. Manuscripts will be evaluated for correctness, soundness, and relevance to the conference’s scope.
  2. The limit to the number of pages is five, provided the article is of high quality and worthy of publication.

Ensure your full-text submissions comply with these guidelines to facilitate a smooth review process. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the summit’s organizing committee.